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krasa Žena Odličovanie a čistenie pleti Catrice Wash Away Make Up Remover Pads Otherkrasa Žena Odličovanie a čistenie pleti Catrice Wash Away Make Up Remover Pads Otherkrasa Žena Odličovanie a čistenie pleti Catrice Wash Away Make Up Remover Pads Otherkrasa Žena Odličovanie a čistenie pleti Catrice Wash Away Make Up Remover Pads Other
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krasa Žena Odličovanie a čistenie pleti Catrice Wash Away Make Up Remover Pads Other

Wash Away Make Up Remover Pads

6,49 eur Partnerský produkt
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-Dodatočná zľava 10% na tento tovar vďaka službe Spartoo Premium, teda dodatočná zľava v hodnote 0,65  eur. Využívam to
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Kód tovaru: 28064626
Discover Catrice's reusable make-up remover pads, a practical solution for your beauty routine. Without the need for make-up remover, these environmentally friendly pads effectively remove even waterproof make-up. Simplify your evening routine with these washable pads at 60°, offering a durable and convenient alternative. In your quest for a more ecological and efficient beauty routine, Catrice's reusable make-up remover pads stand out as a practical and environmentally friendly solution. Designed to remove makeup, even the most stubborn, these innovative pads offer a durable alternative to disposable products. Say goodbye to wasteful disposable makeup removers and unnecessary packaging! Catrice's make-up remover pads are washable at 60°, making them easy to maintain and reuse time and time again.The secret of these pads lies in their effectiveness without the need for make-up remover. Simply moisten them, they gently remove make-up, even waterproof, without leaving residue or irritating the skin. This gentle approach to the skin makes them an ideal choice for all skin types, even the most sensitive. By incorporating these pads into your evening routine, you simplify and shorten the makeup removal process, while helping to reduce your environmental footprint.Catrice's reusable make-up remover pads are your ally for a more sustainable and efficient beauty routine. Comfortable and easy to use, they allow you to take care of your skin while adopting a more environmentally friendly approach. Add them to your daily routine and discover a simple and practical way to remove makeup, without compromising on effectiveness or the environment.
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