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krasa Žena Špecifická starostlivosť pre problémovú pleť Essence Smoothing Face Serum Ampoule Daily Drop of Beauty Sleep Otherkrasa Žena Špecifická starostlivosť pre problémovú pleť Essence Smoothing Face Serum Ampoule Daily Drop of Beauty Sleep Other
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krasa Žena Špecifická starostlivosť pre problémovú pleť Essence Smoothing Face Serum Ampoule Daily Drop of Beauty Sleep Other

Smoothing Face Serum Ampoule Daily Drop of Beauty Sleep

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Kód tovaru: 24460120
Essence introduces its innovative face serum, the "Daily Drop of Beauty Sleep Ampoule." This fragrance-free, paraben-free serum is a skin relaxation oasis. Infused with 7% lavender water, it seamlessly integrates into your evening ritual, leaving your skin soothed and revitalized. A must-have for natural beauty. Uncover the secret to radiant skin with Essence's face serum ampoule, the "Daily Drop of Beauty Sleep Ampoule." This innovative formula, free from fragrance and parabens, is the epitome of skin relaxation. Enriched with 7% lavender water, this hydrating serum provides a soothing sensory experience while intensely replenishing your skin's moisture.The "Daily Drop of Beauty Sleep Ampoule" is designed to seamlessly integrate into your evening skincare routine. A few drops applied to your face, neck, and décolleté deliver an instant sense of relaxation. Its delicate lavender fragrance creates a calming atmosphere, mentally and physically preparing you for a well-deserved night's sleep. Additionally, its practical packaging ensures precise dosage, facilitating its smooth incorporation into your nighttime beauty ritual.This vegan face serum embodies Essence's commitment to quality and well-being. Free yourself from worries with this treasure of natural beauty. Add the "Daily Drop of Beauty Sleep Ampoule" to your nightly routine for a revitalizing skincare experience that will leave your skin radiant and refreshed upon waking. Essence invites you to discover authentic beauty, one beauty sleep drop at a time.
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