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krasa Muž Stylingové & modelujúce prípravky na vlasy Fixegoiste Casual Wax - Natural Effect 150ml Other

Casual Wax - Natural Effect 150ml

Cena uvedená predávajúcim
9,90 eur      5,44 eur
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Kód tovaru: 27152205
Discover FixEgoiste's Casual Wax Hair Wax - Natural Effect 150ml, the ultimate secret for perfectly styled hair with a natural finish. Specially designed for men, this keratin-based hair wax offers a natural hold for an impeccable hairstyle in any situation. FixEgoiste presents its Casual Wax Hair Wax - Natural Effect 150ml, a must-have in men's hair care routines. This hair wax has been carefully crafted to meet the specific needs of men looking for impeccable styling with a natural finish.Enriched with keratin, this innovative formula nourishes your hair while providing a natural hold. Keratin, an essential protein naturally present in hair, strengthens their structure and protects them from external aggressions while providing a soft and malleable texture. You'll be able to effortlessly style your hair, achieving the desired look, whether for a relaxed everyday hairstyle or a more sophisticated look for an evening out.FixEgoiste's Casual Wax Hair Wax is the perfect choice for those who want a hold that is neither too rigid nor too loose. You'll benefit from a natural hold that will keep your hairstyle intact throughout the day, without any sticky residue. Moreover, its natural effect will give the impression that your hair is simply perfect, with no apparent effort.Choose FixEgoiste's Casual Wax Hair Wax for a flawless hairstyle and a style that looks naturally perfect. Elevate your look with this quality hair wax and discover the difference keratin can make to your hair. Add this product to your hair care routine and unveil your best style at every moment.
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