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krasa Žena Odličovanie a čistenie pleti Orveda Eye Makeup Remover and Pro-Fortifying Eyelash Serum Other
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krasa Žena Odličovanie a čistenie pleti Orveda Eye Makeup Remover and Pro-Fortifying Eyelash Serum Other

Eye Makeup Remover and Pro-Fortifying Eyelash Serum

Cena uvedená predávajúcim
109,39 eur      44,35 eur
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Kód tovaru: 27472884
Discover Orveda's Eye Makeup Remover & Pro-Fortifying Eyelash Serum, a natural pH biphasic formula. Cleansing, refreshing, and soothing, suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive. Effectively remove waterproof makeup while fortifying your lashes. Dermatologically tested, this fragrance-free product is perfect for all genders. Immerse yourself in the luxurious experience of Orveda's Eye Makeup Remover & Pro-Fortifying Eyelash Serum, a brand dedicated to innovation and excellence in skincare. This exceptional formula with a natural pH offers more than just a makeup remover – it nourishes and fortifies lashes while caring for the delicate eye area. Its biphasic formulation combines effective makeup removal, even on waterproof makeup, with gentleness suitable for sensitive skin.Designed for all skin types, including the most sensitive, this makeup remover serum is an ideal choice for vegans and enthusiasts of halal skincare. Its versatility caters to all genders, emphasizing Orveda's commitment to inclusivity. The benefits of this product are manifold, ranging from the efficient removal of waterproof makeup to aiding in the fortification of lashes.This skincare has undergone rigorous dermatological testing, ensuring proven results and optimal skin tolerance. Enriched with a fragrance-free formulation, it meets the needs of those seeking a sensory experience without compromising on effectiveness. Give your eyes and lashes the luxury of Orveda, where science and nature converge to create an exceptional skincare experience.
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