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Essence Crayon Brosse Sourcil Eyebrow Designer

Partnerský produkt
Kód tovaru: 24615080
Eyebrow Designer Eyebrow Brush Pencil - 01 Black - Čierna
2,89 eur
Eyebrow Designer Eyebrow Brush Pencil - 01 Black
2,89 eur
One size
  • One size
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Popis Enhance the beauty of your brows with Essence's Eyebrow Designer Brush Pencil. This vegan product offers a well-defined shape and dense brows. Fragrance and paraben-free, it's the perfect tool for impeccable brows, ranging from blonde to black. Discover Essence's Eyebrow Designer Brush Pencil, a must-have for perfect brows. Engineered to provide exceptional density and a precisely defined shape, this pencil is a true cosmetic masterpiece. Essence, a renowned brand, is committed to delivering vegan, fragrance-free, and paraben-free products that are gentle on your skin and the environment.The secret to this Eyebrow Designer lies in its convenient mini-brush integrated into the cap. This feature ensures precise application, guaranteeing harmonious and uniform brows. This unique functionality simplifies the shaping process, making this pencil an essential ally in your daily beauty routine.Explore the diverse range of colors, from blonde to black, to find the perfect shade that complements your individual style. Whether you desire natural brows or a bolder look, Essence ensures a hue tailored to every preference. Experience the fusion of aesthetics and quality with the Eyebrow Designer Brush Pencil, an outstanding innovation that sets new standards for brow beauty.
Kód tovaru: 24615080

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