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Žena Krasa Žena Starostlivosť o pleť Žena Masky & peelingy Žena Masky & peelingy L'oréal
Partnerský produkt
Kód tovaru: 24947388
- Other
15,84 eur      8,41 eur
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15,84 eur      8,41 eur
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Popis Discover L'Oréal Paris' Pure Clay Bright Mask, an innovative blend of three pure clays and Yuzu lemon extract. The unique formula, enriched with natural exfoliants, deeply cleanses pores, absorbing sebum and eliminating dead cells without drying the skin. Achieve a radiant and even complexion from the first application. Immerse yourself in the revitalizing experience of L'Oréal Paris' Pure Clay Bright Mask, the latest gem from L'Oréal Paris Laboratories. This groundbreaking formula combines three pure clays with Yuzu lemon extract, renowned for its skin-unifying properties. The creamy texture, infused with natural exfoliants, provides a deep cleanse of the pores, efficiently absorbing sebum while gently removing dead cells.The unique combination of clays and lemon creates a sensory experience, leaving your skin refreshed, radiant, and visibly more even. The Pure Clay Bright Mask from L'Oréal Paris caters to those seeking quality skincare, delivering a natural luminosity to your face.Experience the perfect balance between deep cleansing and gentleness. Apply generously, let it work its magic, and feel the transformation. From the first use, your complexion radiates freshness. Treat your skin to the care it deserves with L'Oréal Paris' Pure Clay Bright Mask, an unparalleled beauty experience that reveals your skin's true radiance.
Kód tovaru: 24947388

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