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krasa Žena Riasenky a umelé riasy Essence Lash & Brow Gel Mascara for Eyelashes and Eyebrows Otherkrasa Žena Riasenky a umelé riasy Essence Lash & Brow Gel Mascara for Eyelashes and Eyebrows Other
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krasa Žena Riasenky a umelé riasy Essence Lash & Brow Gel Mascara for Eyelashes and Eyebrows Other

Lash & Brow Gel Mascara for Eyelashes and Eyebrows

3,49 eur Partnerský produkt
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Kód tovaru: 23551488
Discover Essence's 2-in-1 Transparent Brow Gel, a revolutionary product that shapes and sets your brows. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and vegan, this lash brow gel mascara, tested under ophthalmological control, ensures a natural curve for flawless lashes all day. Make your brows impeccable with Essence's 2-in-1 Transparent Brow Gel, a true game-changer in the makeup world. This lash brow gel mascara, specially crafted to shape and set brows, is the secret to flawless lashes. Essence, renowned for its quality products, has formulated this fragrance-free, paraben-free, and vegan gem, ensuring a makeup experience that respects your skin.Infused with a transparent formula, this gel not only hydrates your lashes and brows but also sets them for long-lasting perfection. Bid farewell to unruly brows with this versatile product that offers a natural curve to lashes and perfectly fixes brows. Tested under ophthalmological control, it guarantees optimal safety for your sensitive eyes.Essence's 2-in-1 Transparent Brow Gel isn't just a makeup product it's a complete care routine for your lashes and brows. Enjoy a beauty routine without compromise with this all-in-one formula that caters to those seeking perfect definition. Give your eyes the radiance they deserve with Essence, the brand that combines quality, innovation, and ethics.
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