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Frise Et Lise
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krasa Žena Manikúrové sety Frise Et Lise Stainless Steel Nail Clippers Otherkrasa Žena Manikúrové sety Frise Et Lise Stainless Steel Nail Clippers Otherkrasa Žena Manikúrové sety Frise Et Lise Stainless Steel Nail Clippers Other
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krasa Žena Manikúrové sety Frise Et Lise Stainless Steel Nail Clippers Other

Stainless Steel Nail Clippers

6,93 eur Partnerský produkt
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-Dodatočná zľava 10% na tento tovar vďaka službe Spartoo Premium, teda dodatočná zľava v hodnote 0,69  eur. Využívam to
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Kód tovaru: 27690937
Frise and Lise presents the Stainless Steel Nail Clippers, the essential tool for precise cutting of thick nails. Its ergonomic design, suitable for both left and right-handed users, ensures safe use. Experience the simplicity of cutting with non-slip handles and easy opening for impeccable nails at all times. Frise and Lise offer a professional solution for nail care with their Stainless Steel Nail Clippers. Whether you have thick, hard, or ingrown nails, this high-precision pedicure instrument ensures a clean and precise cut. Ideal for both private and professional use, this versatile clipper caters to both feet and hands.The ergonomic shape of the clipper, designed for safe use by both left-handed and right-handed individuals, ensures a comfortable cutting experience. Non-slip handles allow for easy manipulation, while the scissors open effortlessly by simply pressing the handles. The reinforced quality stainless steel ensures exceptional durability, suitable for regular use.Measuring 12 cm in length, the clipper provides a comfortable grip, and its 17 mm cutting surface is perfectly sized for all types of nails, even the toughest ones. To guarantee the safety and durability of your clipper, a protective case is included, ensuring safe storage between each use. Discover the comfort and precision of the Frise and Lise Stainless Steel Nail Clippers, the indispensable tool for well-groomed and impeccable nails.
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