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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Full Cover Camouflage Concealer

krasa Žena Korektory & korektory očných vačkov Makeup Revolution Full Cover Camouflage Concealer - C17 Hnedákrasa Žena Korektory & korektory očných vačkov Makeup Revolution Full Cover Camouflage Concealer - C17 Hnedá
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krasa Žena Korektory & korektory očných vačkov Makeup Revolution Full Cover Camouflage Concealer - C17 Hnedá

Full Cover Camouflage Concealer - C17

9,90 eur Partnerský produkt
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-Dodatočná zľava 10% na tento tovar vďaka službe Spartoo Premium, teda dodatočná zľava v hodnote 0,99  eur. Využívam to
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Kód tovaru: 27982191
The Revolution Pro Full Cover Camouflage Concealer from Makeup Revolution is your ally for effectively concealing imperfections while providing maximum coverage. Available in 18 shades suitable for all skin tones, its ultra-pigmented and creamy formula ensures a natural and uniform finish. Water-resistant and non-transferable, this long-lasting concealer is set with powder for increased durability. Cruelty-free and vegan, it combines performance and ethics to enhance your complexion with confidence. Hide what you want to conceal and enhance your complexion with the Revolution Pro Full Cover Camouflage Concealer from Makeup Revolution. This renowned brand offers you a versatile and highly effective product designed to meet your correction and coverage needs. With a range of 18 shades true to the diversity of skin tones, this ultra-pigmented and creamy concealer offers smooth application and a natural finish. Its innovative formula guarantees maximum coverage, effectively masking imperfections while allowing the skin to breathe.Designed to last, this concealer is not only water-resistant but also non-transferable, ensuring impeccable wear throughout the day. For even more lasting finish, it can be set with powder, giving you peace of mind throughout your busy day. In addition to its outstanding performance, this product embodies the ethical values of Makeup Revolution, being both cruelty-free and vegan. You can enjoy uncompromising beauty, in harmony with your convictions.Whether you're looking for light coverage for a natural look or intense correction for a flawless finish, the Revolution Pro Full Cover Camouflage Concealer will meet all your expectations. Treat yourself to a perfectly unified complexion and enhance your beauty with this superior quality product, designed to adapt to your active lifestyle while respecting the strictest ethical standards. Trust Makeup Revolution to offer you the best in beauty, without compromising on quality or values.
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