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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Highlighter Ingot

krasa Žena Rozjasňovače Makeup Revolution Highlighter Ingot - Platinum Zelenákrasa Žena Rozjasňovače Makeup Revolution Highlighter Ingot - Platinum Zelená
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krasa Žena Rozjasňovače Makeup Revolution Highlighter Ingot - Platinum Zelená

Highlighter Ingot - Platinum

Cena uvedená predávajúcim
12,87 eur      8,12 eur
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Kód tovaru: 27914671
Elevate your glow with Makeup Revolution's Highlighter Ingot. This long-lasting, super intense powder highlighter delivers a prestigious luminous finish. Its light-reflecting pigments create a radiant glow that lasts all day. Available in 3 captivating shades, it's the perfect addition to your makeup collection. Dive into the splendor of Makeup Revolution's Highlighter Ingot, an essential in your beauty kit. Carefully crafted, this luxurious powder highlighter promises to enhance your glow like never before. With its super intense formula and long-lasting wear, it ensures your luminosity remains impeccable from dawn till dusk. At Makeup Revolution, we understand the importance of a flawless finish, and the Highlighter Ingot delivers exactly that. Its finely milled texture glides effortlessly onto the skin, blending seamlessly to create a luminous brilliance that captures light from every angle. Whether you desire a subtle glow or a striking radiance, this highlighter meets all your needs. Enriched with light-reflecting pigments, this golden highlighter imparts a prestigious brilliance that accentuates your features with unparalleled shine. Each brush stroke reveals a luminosity that exudes elegance and sophistication, leaving admirers captivated by your radiant complexion. Available in three exquisite shades, including gold, rose gold, and champagne, Makeup Revolution's Highlighter Ingot offers versatility to complement every skin tone and preference. Whether you seek a sun-kissed glow or a celestial shimmer, this iconic highlighter ensures your beauty shines bright in any setting. Elevate your makeup routine with Makeup Revolution's Highlighter Ingot and embrace the luminous allure it brings. With its superlative formula and captivating shades, it's the ultimate essential for those seeking to illuminate their beauty with unmatched radiance.
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