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krasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Catrice Base Coat Repair Nail Building Otherkrasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Catrice Base Coat Repair Nail Building Otherkrasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Catrice Base Coat Repair Nail Building Otherkrasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Catrice Base Coat Repair Nail Building Otherkrasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Catrice Base Coat Repair Nail Building Otherkrasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Catrice Base Coat Repair Nail Building Otherkrasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Catrice Base Coat Repair Nail Building Other
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krasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Catrice Base Coat Repair Nail Building Other

Base Coat Repair Nail Building

4,99 eur Partnerský produkt
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Kód tovaru: 28064623
Catrice's Nail Repair Nail Building Base Coat combines base coat and nail care for stronger, healthier nails. Its transparent formula aids natural nail growth, providing a more resilient base with fewer breakages for radiant results. Discover the versatility of Catrice's Nail Repair Nail Building Base Coat, a groundbreaking product that merges base coat and nail care into one formula. This transparent base offers a comprehensive solution for stronger, healthier nails.Its innovative formula encourages natural nail growth while reinforcing and protecting nails from external aggressors. Through an external study on 50 women, this base demonstrated up to 84% improvement in nail strength, with an 86% reduction in breakage risks.Enriched with carefully selected ingredients, this formula ensures optimal effectiveness while caring for your nails. Easy to apply, it seamlessly fits into your manicure routine, whether as a base for your favorite polish or as an intensive treatment to repair damaged nails.Give your nails the attention they deserve with Catrice's Nail Repair Nail Building Base Coat, and enjoy lasting, natural, and radiant beauty. Whether strengthening your nails daily or preparing them for a stunning manicure, this versatile base coat will be your ally for flawless results.
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