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krasa Žena Riasenky a umelé riasy Catrice Glam & Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black Čiernakrasa Žena Riasenky a umelé riasy Catrice Glam & Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black Čiernakrasa Žena Riasenky a umelé riasy Catrice Glam & Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black Čiernakrasa Žena Riasenky a umelé riasy Catrice Glam & Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black Čierna
Partnerský produkt
krasa Žena Riasenky a umelé riasy Catrice Glam & Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black Čierna

Glam & Doll Volume Mascara - 10 Black

6,49 eur Partnerský produkt
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Kód tovaru: 28131936
Discover Catrice's Glam & Doll Volume Mascara for voluminous, long lashes. Its unique elastomer brush offers prodigious volume without weighing down the lashes. Ophthalmologically tested, this vegan mascara is paraben-free and alcohol-free, ensuring irresistibly captivating eyes safely. Immerse yourself in the world of glamour with Catrice's Glam & Doll Volume Mascara. Engineered to deliver spectacular lashes, this mascara is the essential tool to enhance your gaze. Its unique elastomer brush is specially designed to provide prodigious volume, enviable length, and breathtaking density to your lashes.The lightweight formula of this mascara effortlessly glides onto lashes, wrapping them in intense color and silky texture without weighing them down or clumping. You thus achieve perfectly defined and separated lashes for an irresistible glamorous effect. Moreover, Catrice's Glam & Doll Volume Mascara is ophthalmologically tested, ensuring optimal safety even for sensitive eyes.As a brand concerned with environmental and animal welfare, Catrice has formulated this mascara vegan, paraben-free, and alcohol-free. Thus, you can enjoy enchanting eyes without compromising on quality or your ethical values. With the Glam & Doll Volume Mascara, each application is a moment of glamour and beauty, for enhanced lashes and a captivating gaze.
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