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Cosmod Crayon Yeux Et Lèvres

krasa Žena Ceruzky na oči Cosmod Eye And Lip Pencil - 19 Etoile d'Argent Striebornákrasa Žena Ceruzky na oči Cosmod Eye And Lip Pencil - 19 Etoile d'Argent Strieborná
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krasa Žena Ceruzky na oči Cosmod Eye And Lip Pencil - 19 Etoile d'Argent Strieborná

Eye And Lip Pencil - 19 Etoile d'Argent

3,96 eur Partnerský produkt
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-Dodatočná zľava 10% na tento tovar vďaka službe Spartoo Premium, teda dodatočná zľava v hodnote 0,40  eur. Využívam to
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Kód tovaru: 24614760
Immerse yourself in elegance with Cosmod Ultimate Precision Eye and Lip Pencil. Offering a rich palette of captivating shades, this soft-tipped pencil enhances the gaze with impeccable precision. Express your style with this cosmetic jewel, subtly combining sophistication and sharpness. Explore perfection with Cosmod Ultimate Precision Eye and Lip Pencil. This cosmetic pencil, a true ally to your beauty, stands out with its extensive palette of captivating colors. The soft tip of the pencil allows for an unrivaled precision, intensifying the gaze and redefining contours. Cosmod Ultimate Precision Pencil becomes an indispensable accessory for those seeking to enhance their eyes and lips with elegance.Thanks to its carefully crafted formula, this pencil offers a unique sensory experience while ensuring long-lasting wear. Whether for a daily touch of sophistication or to create bold looks for special occasions, this pencil proves to be the ideal companion. Mark your style with the Cosmod Ultimate Precision Eye and Lip Pencil, a perfect blend of chromatic richness and precision that defines modern beauty. Cosmod, your trusted partner for uncompromising beauty expression.
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