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Essie Mini Soin pour les Ongles 5ml

krasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Essie Mini Nail Care 5ml - All in One Šedá
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krasa Žena Starostlivosť o nechty Essie Mini Nail Care 5ml - All in One Šedá

Mini Nail Care 5ml - All in One

Cena uvedená predávajúcim
15,84 eur      4,70 eur
Partnerský produkt
One size
  • One size
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Kód tovaru: 28043671
Essie's Mini Nail Care 5ml is a must-have for stunning nails. With its nourishing cuticle oil and glossy finish, your nails will be protected and hydrated. Perfect on its own or as a base for your favorite Essie polishes. Unlock the secret to nail beauty with Essie's Mini Nail Care 5ml. This formula, enriched with cuticle oil, offers intense hydration, nourishing your nails and cuticles for a healthy, radiant look. Use it alone for quick and effective care or as a base to prep your nails before applying your favorite Essie polish.Essie's Mini Nail Care 5ml goes beyond a simple nail treatment. With its 2-in-1 formula, this versatile product can be used as a protective base to enhance the longevity of your nail polish, or as a top coat for a flawless glossy finish. Enriched with nourishing ingredients, it provides additional protection against damage and chipping, leaving your nails strong and healthy.Give your nails the best care with Essie's Mini Nail Care 5ml, the perfect choice for professional nail beauty at home. Paired with other Essie nail care products like cuticle oil and the 'good to go' top coat, you can create a comprehensive routine for stunning nails. Nourish, hydrate, and protect your nails with this quality formula, and flaunt perfect manicures every time.
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