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Frise Et Lise
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krasa Žena Manikúrové sety Frise Et Lise White Nail File Other
Partnerský produkt
krasa Žena Manikúrové sety Frise Et Lise White Nail File Other

White Nail File

3,21 eur Partnerský produkt
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-Dodatočná zľava 10% na tento tovar vďaka službe Spartoo Premium, teda dodatočná zľava v hodnote 0,32  eur. Využívam to
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Kód tovaru: 27690942
Explore elegance with the White Nail File from Frise and Lise, the ultimate accessory for a perfect manicure. Its medium grit sculpts your natural or artificial nails, providing a flawless finish. Embrace this essential file for consistently impeccable nails, worthy of the finest beauty salons. Experience the art of manicure with the White Nail File from Frise and Lise. This straight nail file quickly becomes a must-have to maintain consistently elegant nails. With its medium grit, it ensures optimal abrasion, perfect for sculpting artificial nails or treating toenails. For delicate finishes, the gentle grit is ideal for fingernails, offering a soft texture and a perfect final touch to your nail care routine.Frise and Lise, a brand dedicated to excellence in nail care, presents the White Nail File as the essential tool for results worthy of the best manicure salons. Embrace precision, comfort, and quality with the White Nail File from Frise and Lise, your indispensable ally for an impeccable manicure at any time. The White Nail File embodies the perfect marriage of aesthetics and performance, adding a touch of sophistication to your daily beauty routine. Experience flawless nails with this chic accessory, designed for those who seek excellence in their nail care.
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