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Makeup Revolution
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krasa Žena Make-upy a podkladové bázy Makeup Revolution Base Gel Star Primer Other
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krasa Žena Make-upy a podkladové bázy Makeup Revolution Base Gel Star Primer Other

Base Gel Star Primer

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21,03 eur      12,57 eur
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Kód tovaru: 27914673
Discover Makeup Revolution's Base Gel Star Primer, enriched with a unique anise aroma. Its hydrating formula helps neutralize redness and combat dehydration. With 70% water content, this primer leaves the skin moisturized, fresh, and restored. A must-have for its vegan and cruelty-free formula. Elevate your makeup routine with Makeup Revolution's Base Gel Star Primer, a skincare-infused primer designed to enhance your beauty regimen. Imbued with a distinctive anise aroma, this primer offers more than just a delightful scent. Crafted with a hydrating formula, it works wonders in neutralizing redness and combating dehydration, ensuring your skin remains nourished and refreshed throughout the day. With a remarkable water content of 70%, it effortlessly hydrates your skin, leaving behind a supple, revitalized canvas ready for makeup application.What sets Makeup Revolution's Base Gel Star Primer apart is not only its exceptional hydrating properties but also its delightful texture that glides smoothly onto the skin, creating a seamless base for makeup. Say goodbye to dry patches and uneven application as this primer pampers your skin with its velvety touch, ensuring makeup adheres flawlessly and lasts longer.Indulge in the guilt-free pleasure of using Makeup Revolution's Base Gel Star Primer, knowing it's formulated to meet your ethical standards. Proudly vegan and cruelty-free, this primer embodies the brand's commitment to creating products that are not only effective but also aligned with your values. With every application, you're not just prepping your skin for makeup you're also supporting a brand dedicated to promoting beauty without compromise.In conclusion, Makeup Revolution's Base Gel Star Primer is more than just a makeup essential—it's a skincare powerhouse. From its unique anise aroma to its hydrating formula and vegan, cruelty-free credentials, this primer ticks all the boxes for those seeking a product that delivers both results and ethical integrity. Transform your beauty routine with this must-have primer and experience the difference it makes for your skin.
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