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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Highlighter Liquide

krasa Žena Rozjasňovače Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter - Euphoric Gold Zlatákrasa Žena Rozjasňovače Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter - Euphoric Gold Zlatákrasa Žena Rozjasňovače Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter - Euphoric Gold Zlatá
Partnerský produkt
krasa Žena Rozjasňovače Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter - Euphoric Gold Zlatá

Liquid Highlighter - Euphoric Gold

Cena uvedená predávajúcim
18,51 eur      10,64 eur
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One size
  • One size
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-Dodatočná zľava 5% na tento tovar vďaka službe Spartoo Premium, teda dodatočná zľava v hodnote 0,53  eur. Využívam to
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Kód tovaru: 27982291
The Revolution Liquid Highlighter from Makeup Revolution is the epitome of bottled radiance. With its highly pigmented and metallic shades, this versatile liquid highlighter perfectly illuminates your face, adding a touch of freshness to your skin while accentuating your natural charm. Choose from the 7 stunning shades available for a personalized glow on every occasion. The Revolution Liquid Highlighter, a flagship product from Makeup Revolution, embodies the quintessence of cosmetic radiance. Its liquid formula, highly pigmented and beautifully metallic, offers unmatched versatility. With just one stroke, it perfectly brightens the face, imparting instant freshness to your skin while enhancing your natural charm. With its lightweight and easy-to-blend texture, this liquid highlighter can be used in multiple ways. Apply it alone for a subtle and natural glow, or mix it with your foundation or body cream for a rosy and luminous finish. For an all-over glow, blend it with your body lotion or creams and envelop yourself in an aura of light.Available in 7 sumptuous shades, this vegan and cruelty-free product offers a diverse palette to suit all skin tones and style preferences. Whether you're looking for a golden, champagne, or rosy glow, Makeup Revolution has the perfect shade for you. Additionally, its gluten-free formula caters to the needs of health-conscious consumers.In summary, the Revolution Liquid Highlighter from Makeup Revolution is more than just a cosmetic product it's an essential tool to enhance your natural beauty. With its luminous properties and exceptional versatility, this liquid highlighter fits seamlessly into your makeup routine, allowing you to shine bright on every occasion while respecting your ethical values and health concerns.
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