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Maybelline New York
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Maybelline New York Kit Rouge à Lèvres Métalliques Python

krasa Žena Paletky pre líčenie očí Maybelline New York Python Metallic Lipstick Kit - 35 Valiant Otherkrasa Žena Paletky pre líčenie očí Maybelline New York Python Metallic Lipstick Kit - 35 Valiant Otherkrasa Žena Paletky pre líčenie očí Maybelline New York Python Metallic Lipstick Kit - 35 Valiant Otherkrasa Žena Paletky pre líčenie očí Maybelline New York Python Metallic Lipstick Kit - 35 Valiant Other
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krasa Žena Paletky pre líčenie očí Maybelline New York Python Metallic Lipstick Kit - 35 Valiant Other

Python Metallic Lipstick Kit - 35 Valiant

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14,35 eur      7,07 eur
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Kód tovaru: 24782557
Explore boldness with Maybelline New York's Metallic Python Lipstick Kit. Combine intensely vibrant shades with a metallic matte finish for a trendy glow. Give your lips the shine they deserve with this innovative kit. Discover the ultimate expression of boldness with Maybelline New York's Metallic Python Lipstick Kit. This revolutionary kit blends highly pigmented shades with a metallic matte texture, offering a seamless fusion of intense color and luminous finish. Each shade has been carefully selected to create a bold visual impact while ensuring long-lasting wear.The Maybelline New York name is synonymous with innovation, and this kit is no exception. The diverse range of shades, from vibrant reds to deeper hues, provides versatility for everyone to find the perfect tint for their unique style. The silky formula effortlessly glides on the lips, ensuring even application and comfort throughout the day.The Metallic Python Lipstick Kit is more than just a cosmetic product – it's a bold statement. Whether you're seeking a dazzling evening look or a touch of daily glamour, this kit is your indispensable ally. Elevate your style, amplify your confidence, and let your beauty shine with this masterpiece from Maybelline New York.
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