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Wet N Wild
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krasa Žena Štetce Wet N Wild Highlighting Brush - Proline P77 Other
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krasa Žena Štetce Wet N Wild Highlighting Brush - Proline P77 Other

Highlighting Brush - Proline P77

8,41 eur Partnerský produkt
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Kód tovaru: 17552303
Discover the Wet n Wild Proline P77 Highlighting Brush, a domed brush with ultra-soft bristles for perfect application of powder or cream highlighter. Its ergonomic design ensures a comfortable grip for maximum precision.Treat yourself to a radiant natural glow using this vegan and cruelty-free brush, designed to enhance your features with ease and precision. The Wet n Wild Proline P77 Highlighting Brush is the perfect tool for precise application of your favorite highlighter. Its fiery and ergonomic handle offers a comfortable grip, allowing for absolute control during application.The ultra-soft synthetic bristles mimic the consistency of natural hairs, ensuring a smooth and streak-free application. Whether you're using powder or cream highlighter, this domed brush hugs the contours of your face for a natural and radiant bronzed glow.Pro Line brushes from Wet n Wild are renowned for their exceptional quality and attention to detail. Vegan and cruelty-free, the Proline P77 Highlighting Brush is made with high-quality materials for increased durability. Whether you want to accentuate your cheekbones, highlight your cupid's bow, or illuminate the bridge of your nose, this brush is the essential accessory for flawless makeup.With Wet n Wild, enhance your beauty while respecting animals and the planet, one application at a time.
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