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Avril Crayon Yeux Certifié Bio

krasa Žena Ceruzky na oči Avril Certified Organic Eye Pencil - Chair Béžová
Partnerský produkt
krasa Žena Ceruzky na oči Avril Certified Organic Eye Pencil - Chair Béžová

Certified Organic Eye Pencil - Chair

8,12 eur Partnerský produkt
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Kód tovaru: 27083817
Enhance the radiance of your gaze with Avril's Certified Organic Eye Pencil.Its organic composition ensures a delicate application, preserving the sensitivity of your eyes while ensuring impeccable wear.Treat yourself to a precise line and an environmentally friendly formula to enhance your natural beauty. Discover the excellence of the Avril brand with its Certified Organic Eye Pencil, a true alliance of quality and naturalness. Enriched with organic castor seed oil and organic beeswax, this pencil offers a formula that respects your skin and the environment. With a diameter of 7.8 mm, this pencil certified by Bureau Veritas testifies to Avril's commitment to high standards of quality and authenticity.Immerse yourself in the world of organic makeup with the confidence of choosing a product made in France, a guarantee of expertise and adherence to ethical standards. Castor seed oil, known for its nourishing properties, combines with beeswax to create a soft and creamy texture, ensuring a delicate application.This Eye Pencil is part of an eco-responsible approach, adding a touch of sophistication to your daily beauty routine. Choose Avril's quality and enhance your gaze while respecting your skin and our planet.Treat yourself to the luxury of a certified organic makeup, carefully crafted with care and passion to accompany you in your quest for natural beauty.
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