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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Define Super Size

krasa Žena Korektory & korektory očných vačkov Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Define Super Size - C13.5 Hnedákrasa Žena Korektory & korektory očných vačkov Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Define Super Size - C13.5 Hnedákrasa Žena Korektory & korektory očných vačkov Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Define Super Size - C13.5 Hnedákrasa Žena Korektory & korektory očných vačkov Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Define Super Size - C13.5 Hnedá
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krasa Žena Korektory & korektory očných vačkov Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Define Super Size - C13.5 Hnedá

Concealer Conceal & Define Super Size - C13.5

Cena uvedená predávajúcim
12,87 eur      6,18 eur
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One size
  • One size
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Kód tovaru: 27982211
Elevate your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's Supersize Conceal & Define. Available in 24 inclusive shades, this lightweight yet full-coverage formula offers over three times the product of the original. Achieve flawless coverage, unify your complexion, and banish dark circles with this vegan and cruelty-free concealer. Makeup Revolution presents the Supersize Conceal & Define, a game-changer for beauty enthusiasts. Addressing the demand for more of your favorite shade, this concealer boasts over three times the product of the original, catering to a diverse range of 24 shades from light to deep, spanning cool, neutral, and warm undertones.Indulge in a concealer that effortlessly conceals imperfections, unifies your skin tone, and counteracts dark circles. The lightweight formula ensures complete coverage with a matte finish that neither settles nor emphasizes fine lines and pores. Ideal for shaping and defining, its intense, long-wearing pigment allows for versatile use in sculpting your desired look.The Supersize Conceal & Define is equipped with a generous doe-foot applicator, ensuring a smooth application that won't drag on the delicate skin beneath your eyes. Embrace the vegan and cruelty-free ethos of Makeup Revolution, confident in your choice for a conscientious beauty regimen.Additionally, explore the individual descriptions of each shade, from the rosy undertones of C0.5 to the warm hues of C18. Find the perfect match for your skin tone, whether you lean towards a neutral, peachy, or golden finish. Makeup Revolution's Supersize Conceal & Define offers not just a concealer but a beauty essential that aligns with your values and delivers stunning results for every complexion.
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