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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Gloss Métallique Nudes Collection

krasa Žena Lesky na pery Makeup Revolution Metallic Nude Gloss Collection - Undressed Hnedákrasa Žena Lesky na pery Makeup Revolution Metallic Nude Gloss Collection - Undressed Hnedákrasa Žena Lesky na pery Makeup Revolution Metallic Nude Gloss Collection - Undressed Hnedá
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krasa Žena Lesky na pery Makeup Revolution Metallic Nude Gloss Collection - Undressed Hnedá

Metallic Nude Gloss Collection - Undressed

6,93 eur Partnerský produkt
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-Dodatočná zľava 10% na tento tovar vďaka službe Spartoo Premium, teda dodatočná zľava v hodnote 0,69  eur. Využívam to
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Kód tovaru: 27982058
Discover bold elegance with Makeup Revolution's "Metallic Nude Gloss Collection." Offering intense pigmentation, this cruelty-free formula glides seamlessly for a stunning matte finish. Unleash your style with these metallic nude shades, creating irresistibly sublime lips. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of makeup with Makeup Revolution's "Metallic Nude Gloss Collection." Our glosses boldly combine intense pigmentation and ethics, redefining beauty. The cruelty-free formula ensures a uniform application, elevating your lips to new heights of sophistication. Metallic nude shades offer a range of finishes, from intense matte to subtle shine, for uncompromising self-expression.Makeup Revolution not only distinguishes itself with a commitment to cruelty-free products but also by a composition free from animal-derived ingredients. Each glide of the gloss on your lips is a sensory experience, with a formula that smoothly unveils a dazzling matte, bold metallic, or radiant shine. Explore the art of personal expression with this collection that transcends the boundaries of conventional glamour.The "Metallic Nude Gloss Collection" from Makeup Revolution embodies the perfect balance between ethics and aesthetics. Assert your individuality with carefully selected shades, creating lips that tell your story. Dive into this cosmetic experience that celebrates responsible beauty and infinite creativity, offering a luxuriously smooth application and a glow that lasts all day.
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