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krasa Žena Špecifická starostlivosť pre problémovú pleť Essence Perfector Skin Clearing Hello, Good Stuff! Other

Perfector Skin Clearing Hello, Good Stuff!

6,49 eur Partnerský produkt
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Kód tovaru: 24519360
Discover the gentle exfoliating effect of Essence's Skin Clearing Hello, Good Stuff! Perfecting Serum. Infused with AHA, kiwi water, and panthenol, this 97% natural ingredient serum provides a softly exfoliating and intensely hydrating experience, leaving your skin unbelievably soft. Immerse yourself in the world of skin perfection with Essence's Skin Clearing Hello, Good Stuff! Perfecting Serum. This revolutionary facial serum offers a gently exfoliating experience with AHA, combined with the moisturizing benefits of kiwi water and panthenol. The uniquely formulated, 97% natural ingredient-rich serum stands out for its commitment to healthy and radiant skin.Skin Clearing Hello, Good Stuff! Perfecting Serum harnesses the power of AHA to delicately remove dead skin cells, unveiling a smoother and more radiant complexion. Kiwi water provides a revitalizing dose of hydration, while panthenol nourishes the skin deeply. This carefully crafted combination offers a delightful sensory experience, leaving the skin soft, radiant, and visibly healthier.With its exceptional concentration of natural ingredients, Skin Clearing Hello, Good Stuff! Perfecting Serum embodies Essence's commitment to quality and skin well-being. Designed to suit all skin types, this serum is the perfect companion for those seeking a simple and effective skincare routine. Give your skin the best of nature with this perfecting serum, for everyday radiant beauty.
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