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American Tourister
Späť  | Tašky Kabelky Kabelky American Tourister
Tašky Kabelky American Tourister 19C031019 ModráTašky Kabelky American Tourister 19C031019 ModráTašky Kabelky American Tourister 19C031019 ModráTašky Kabelky American Tourister 19C031019 Modrá
Partnerský produkt
Tašky Kabelky American Tourister 19C031019 Modrá


Cena uvedená predávajúcim
145,90 eur      132,31 eur
Partnerský produkt
One size
  • One size
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O produkte
Spartoo Premium Days až do 11/06/2024: zľava 20% so službou Premium.
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Kód tovaru: 21818484
By hand suitcases BLUE American Tourister Handles: One on the top and one on the side for better grip and lifting. Wheel Type: Silent multidirectional wheels for greater comfort on the road. Internal compartments: 1 with zip Towing handle: twin-tube towing handle for greater comfort and transport of professional bags. Weight: 2.6 kg Volume: 36 L Dimensions: 55 x 40 x 20 cm (include wheels, handles, side pockets, etc.) Closure: Combination closure Collection: Disney Legends Category: Rigid American Tourister suitcase from the Disney Legends collection. Designed for all fans of the world of Mickey Mouse.
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